Do you receive abundant rainfall in your location?

Apr 20, 2023
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I ask this question because in my country we used to receive like two rain seasons in a year.All of a sudden the weather patterns have significantly changed and we have not received any for like three years now. If at all we get rain here it's very minimal and during different times altogether. I can see now it has started though.
We usually have very rainy summers, but with rain all year round, although increasingly, we've been getting many dry heat spells during our summers.

I ask this question because in my country we used to receive like two rain seasons in a year.All of a sudden the weather patterns have significantly changed and we have not received any for like three years now. I
Oh wow, thanks for sharing! We learn something new everyday :cool:
We usually have very rainy summers, but with rain all year round, although increasingly, we've been getting many dry heat spells during our summers.

Oh wow, thanks for sharing! We learn something new everyday :cool:
And that's what the real meaning for life.Life means learning on every step you make.
It's been raining here since 8:00 AM. I usually prefer it to rain all through the night when I'm sleeping but I don't mind it today since it's Sunday. I'm at home all day till it's time to go watch my team Manchester United play Brighton and Hove in their Semi Final FA Cup match.
That is crazy to not have any rain for three years. I live in England, UK and you may have heard many people talking about how much it tends to rain here but compared to how much it used to rain, especially from what I remember when I was a kid, it's not like it used to be.

I don't think I ever remember droughts in the summer as much as we seem to get them now.
I think this has to do with the global warming that has caused the change in the climate world wide. However the situation is even worsened by the human activities in different countries. For instance in my country, the drought is mostly contributed by Deforestation, cutting down of trees for charcoal making and firewood usage.
In my country, we are lucky to have a balance of the two extremes. We have about 6; months of drought and 7; months of intensive rains. My location has enough rains that we don't even consider irrigation agriculture but mainly dependent on the rains.
I think this has to do with the global warming that has caused the change in the climate world wide. However the situation is even worsened by the human activities in different countries. For instance in my country, the drought is mostly contributed by Deforestation, cutting down of trees for charcoal making and firewood usage.
🤔. . . . I take it you....are aware of -'Weather Modification', -'Geo-Engineering', -'Cloud Seeding' and similarly purposed technologies, yes?
The whole of the last year we received a lot of rainfall that caused massive destruction due to floods. I am however not sure if we can receive more rainfall this year.
In our country we receive plenty of rainfall and sometimes we receive more than we need. In recent times, there has been so much rain that more than 200 people have died due to landslide and flood in our country.
My country on the other hand suffers flooding because of excess rainfall. There are days that it would rain heavily for three days and no one would even dare to step out.
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