The End of Joe Biden Has Arrived

Feb 26, 2023
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In what must be seen as an alarming trend for the White House and the Biden campaign management team for his re-election bid, President Joe Biden is languishing in another new poll. Biden is garnering an overall approval rating of just 36 percent – down from 42 percent approval from the same survey in February. He has high disapproval ratings, low support for running again, and a dipping number that measures his mental acuity.
The ABC News/Washington Post poll showed that in a match-up with Donald Trump, Biden was down six points: 44 to 38. When asked about a hypothetical match-up with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Biden was behind by five points: 42 to 37. Overall, 56 percent of the people surveyed expressed disapproval of Joe Biden. A noteworthy 58 percent of Democrats in the poll do not want Biden to run again.

People Are Concerned About Biden’s Cognitive State​

Voters in the survey appear to be worried about the president’s age and mental sharpness. Twenty-six percent said he is too old for another term. Just 32 percent of those questioned agreed with the statement that Biden “has the mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as president.” Sixty-three percent said he does not have the mental sharpness to serve confidently.

At Least One News Host Is Worried​

The host of the ABC News Sunday program “This Week” reacted fearfully to these numbers. “This poll is just brutal for President Biden,” said veteran broadcaster George Stephanopoulos.

“I’ve got to admit I have a hard time wrapping my head around that,” he said. “You’ve got one in five people who say they believe President Trump should face criminal charges, but they would still vote for him.”

Democrat Activist Is Losing Sleep​

Former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile couldn’t believe the numbers and said she stayed up past midnight trying to inform her contacts about the bad news for Biden. “They are still unable to get a real good, strong message to the American people, not just on the accomplishments, but where they want to take the country.,” she said.

No Credit Where Credit Is Due​

Aside from concerns about Biden’s age and health, voters do not seem to be giving Joe Biden credit for what he has achieved during his presidency. He helped bring in the Inflation Reduction Act, which had historic monetary support for the green energy transition. He oversaw the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill. He showed leadership on the bill to protect marriage for the LGBTQ community and interracial couples.
Many predicted that the economy would be in recession by now, but Joe Biden claims his policies are responsible for a very low unemployment rate of 3.4 percent. The April jobs report was strong again with 253,000 new jobs being created.

The problem is that people do not feel like they are better off than they were before the pandemic. In a recent economic poll, 49 percent of Americans said they would not be able to cover a $400 expense should it arise. This percentage is up from 32 percent last November. That means more people are living off their credit cards without an adequate emergency fund. Americans have nearly a trillion dollars in credit card balances. The debt balance has gone up $130 billion since 2021. High interest rates make the money people owe on their credit cards go up even more. Meanwhile, buying a house is also more difficult due to ballooning mortgage rates.

Inflation has remained at 5 percent with people suffering from stagnant wages or they are trapped in low-paying jobs. The wealth effect, when Americans spend more money if they feel flush with cash, is waning. Retirement funds are down since Trump left office, with the S&P 500 falling 20 percent last year, although that has inched up in 2023 to a gain of around 8 percent.

People also believe that crime and mass shootings are going up under Biden’s watch. Mounting bank failures have caused people to withdraw their savings even though most accounts are guaranteed up to $250,000 by the FDIC. There is also a feeling that democracy is under threat due to extremist views from some Trump supporters, which is something Biden can use to criticize Republicans.

Overall, voters are fearful, and Biden’s mental acuity does not appear to reassure them. They don’t feel better off financially and they don’t give his administration credit for legislative wins. Biden must convince voters that his policies are responsible for the upside of the economy – low unemployment and excellent job creation and for a lower likelihood of a recession. But if Americans are still struggling financially, they will vote with their wallets, and this could mean they may send Biden packing in 2024.
Between Trump and Biden, yes I will pick Trump. And I can't stand Trump as a person. But we will have to wait and see who is going to run.
Wow. Has that always been the case or just after this?
May I ask, why would you choose Trump over Biden ? Character and trustworthiness is important in leadership IMO.
Then again, which MP is truly trustworthy? :rolleyes:
Trust? If you trust anyone in office, you may want to run to the doctor. lol

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Then again, which MP is truly trustworthy? :rolleyes:
I will never be a Trump supporter, and as much as I don't like Biden I would 100% vote for a democrat before a republican. As a trans guy, I can't vote for a party who's actively trying to pass laws that prevent life saving medical treatments for trans people as well as women. If Trump gets into office, the anti-trans movement will only get worse I'm afraid.
I will never be a Trump supporter, and as much as I don't like Biden I would 100% vote for a democrat before a republican. As a trans guy, I can't vote for a party who's actively trying to pass laws that prevent life saving medical treatments for trans people as well as women. If Trump gets into office, the anti-trans movement will only get worse I'm afraid.
You can also NEVER vote for a sex offender ! Geez. With you on your views there, too.
Let's keep the Biden chat going.
The White House and Congress have not made much progress in their talks to avert an unprecedented, and potentially calamitous, national default that could occur as soon as early June. But on the most fundamental point of dispute, President Joe Biden has already caved: He’s negotiating with Republicans over the debt ceiling.
For months, the president’s ironclad position has been that the debt ceiling is not a bargaining chip. No longer would Democrats allow Republicans to hold hostage the nation’s creditworthiness and economic prestige. Paying the government’s bills by raising the U.S.’s statutory borrowing limit would be nonnegotiable. As recently as Friday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declared without equivocation, “We are not going to negotiate over the debt limit.”

But Biden himself has dropped the pretense that his weeks-long budget discussions with the GOP have not revolved around the debt ceiling. Asked specifically about the debt ceiling on Sunday—in anticipation of a second White House visit by congressional leaders, planned for today—Biden told reporters, “Well, I’ve learned a long time ago, and you know as well as I do: It never is good to characterize a negotiation in the middle of a negotiation.”

[Read: This debt crisis is not like 2011’s. It’s worse.]

So there you go: It’s a negotiation. Exactly what the two parties are discussing is only starting to become clear. According to various reports, a deal to avert default could include some changes to permitting rules that would speed up domestic-energy production; a revocation of unused COVID funds; additional work requirements for some federal programs (although the president has ruled out any modifications to Medicaid); and, most significant, a cap on overall federal spending.

The Biden administration still claims to be haggling only over the budget, not the debt ceiling. “The president has been emphasizing for months that he’s eager to have budget negotiations,” a White House official, who requested anonymity to explain the administration’s somewhat tortured position, told me. “That’s of course different from avoiding default, which is nonnegotiable.”

Biden’s no-negotiation stance was born of past experience, when in 2011 Republicans dragged out debt talks with the Obama administration to the brink of default, resulting in a downgrade of the U.S.’s credit rating. But Biden’s approach this time is proving to be neither realistic nor sustainable, especially after Speaker Kevin McCarthy defied expectations last month by getting a budget-slashing debt-ceiling bill through his narrow House majority.
I feel at the moment, the US is in a bad position with two people who want to be at the top who clearly are not the greatest and no one else seems to be able to get a chance that may be better than both Trump and Biden.

I am not in the US myself but I will admit, I wouldn't be happy with either two being in power and it's a shame that those are the only options.
I feel at the moment, the US is in a bad position with two people who want to be at the top who clearly are not the greatest and no one else seems to be able to get a chance that may be better than both Trump and Biden.

I am not in the US myself but I will admit, I wouldn't be happy with either two being in power and it's a shame that those are the only options.
It's a bit like the Labour vs Tories thing in the UK. I would vote Lib dems but it's also a case of tactical voting, as it's only the 2 parties high-profile.
I totally agree that things don't look too promising with the upcoming US presidential elections. It seems that like many parts of the world, the US is also facing a lack of good strong leaders. What we get to hear from International news is that Biden has lost his popularity and even his vote bank might move to Trump. It seems that most Americans feel that he could not handle the Economics well. Moreover, people feel that he is too old. But I think even Trump is not that young.
It's surprising that the Trump support group is still intact despite everything that he did.
It seems like disadvantage Biden can be advantage Trump.
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