Should parents be able to choose the sex of their child?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
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So something I heard the other day from a friend was that she had read somewhere about how some people have said that a parent should be able to choose the sex of their child.

I thought this was crazy and just taking things a little too far but to be honest, I guess it is something we should expect considering things are how they are now.

What are your thoughts? Should parents be able to choose the sex of their child?
"Should parents be able to choose the sex of their child?"

😄The "Designer Babies" thing aye.

Well frankly my opinion is a definitive: Hell no!

For real, messing with our fundamental genetic instructions is imo quite possibly one of–if not the–stupidest activity we have participated in.

😂And yet we've even managed to worsen the situation significantly by monetizing the practice—commercializing the most sacred of manifestations—that of life itself, into merely but a product/service.

~"Designer Babies"~
Most parents prefer to have a boy due to some ideological backgrounds. The first purpose is that their family name doesn't disappear after marriage. The second purpose is that they think it is the source of power in the family. Unlike having a girl will do the opposite sense of their belief.
It is genetic selection and it is used to screen out sickle cell embryos. Being able to choose physical qualities including gender of a child would cause imbalance in the qualities of humans and hamper diversity.

It is unethical and should not be considered. I am sure it would not be allowed mainstream.
No parents should not be able to choose their children sex, they can hope to have a boy or a girl, but they should not be on the position to choose the sex of their child, imagine your parents choose your sex, you wouldn't be the same person you are right now.
What you say is the theory. Parents could even choose to end the life of their children if she is a girl and they want a boy. They do some actions to increase the chance of having a boy and go to an abortion. Unfortunately, many parents think of having boys only.
Only one person has the ability to choose the gender of a child and that's he who created them. That being God. Same reason as i dont believe in abortion. But i'm riddled by a Catholic upbringing that I'm still trying to shake.. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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