How often are you online?

I would say that I spend a lot of my time online each day either for work purposes or for other purposes such as hobbies or games that I play. Unless I have errands to run or I am feeling too unwell to be up and online, I will be online somewhere :)
More than I like to admit, seems like I spend more time online than offline lol.

There are times that I am mostly online than I wanted, and it can be a very difficult one. You know having the right time to always go online ca not be that easy. I wish that I could stay offline sometimes, too.
I spend most of my time online as I work from home. Typically, I turn my laptop on after lunch to start my workday. If I do not feel like using my laptop for writing, I switch to my smartphone. I usually stay online until 10 or 11 in the evening, but sometimes I go to bed early and only stay online until 8 or 9.
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