Do you people still discipline your children by rods?

Apr 20, 2023
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There is an English saying that goes, spare the rod and spoil the child. In the olden days most people and mostly in schools in the African continent were really canning the scholars stokes of canes for the sake of punishments. So do you people use the same strategy for disciplining of the children?
I don't agree with corporal punishment for stuff aside from being a brat. For instance, if people don't do their homework, they shouldn't be corporally punished, but that was the case with some teachers when I went to middle school (early 90s).

Actually, corporal punishment should only be used to punish bullies, to be honest.
I never ever had to raise my hands to my kids. The sound of my voice yelling at them was always enough lol

Well, as long as they obey you, that is all that matters. Having kids that will make me raise a rod on them is not what I want to experience at all.
A lot of discipline stuff is just giving a green-light for narcissists and OCD (obsessive compulsive) people to abuse and then say whoever disagrees has a problem with traditional values or is soft. Of course, that's not saying discipline isn't wrong, but, again, we need to make sure the caretakers are in their right mind. Everyone isn't Andy Griffith.
This is something that is illegal now in the UK and is not a form of discipline for children. If you are caught doing anything like this to a child you will be arrested and serve a prison sentence.
I think that's overkill. In fact, some really mean children have to be punished like that. In fact, that's the only thing that scares them I would guess.
Parents who can't discipline kids the old-fashioned way might see them yelling at them and smarting off to them (sarcasm) too much.

Myself, I don't remember ever being spanked but I wasn't a bad kid. However, a lot of kids are very rough for whatever reason and all they understand is physical punishments, but oddly enough, they learn to be rough from the parents.
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