Would you home-school instead of sending your child to school?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
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Most places around the world tend to have private schools and also public schools. Private schools are usually the ones that the parents pay for their children to attend and public schools are the ones that are government funded and do not cost the parent any money to send them.

Even though most have those two options, some people still opt to home-school their child either themselves or by hiring someone who can teach their child at home.

If you were given the option would you home-school or send your child to a school?
Well, personally I wouldn't want to do that. I don't think I'm equipped to do that. This is why we have teaching training so that one can acquire the necessary skills to deliver. Secondly, I. will want my kids to interact with others. What other better way than the four walls of a class filled with other people.
Seems there's potentially a bit of a misconception here with what home schooling actually is in practice—when done so responsibly.

😄I mean, it's not like the children are in all cases completely isolated from all contact with the outside world. That's more of a religious cult sorta practice.

Regular people, of all political leanings who responsibly fullfil meaningful home schooling duties, are simply regular people like you and me.and many others.

There's plenty of collaborative/shared home schooling arrangements regular people participate with. Eg: each household taking shifts assuming the shared responsibilities of home schooling several households children.
It is for diploma purposes. This is because this is true you could learn at home or on YouTube but getting certifications is required in a job resume and when you say I learned this on YouTube no one will believe you even if you spend several hours learning hard and seriously. This is the main reason why people go to teach their children in schools or formation centers.
Education is beyond the transfer of knowledge. It also encompasses the ability to interact, behave and understand others. I won't for any reason homeschool my child. Let the child go out to school and learn independence.
Yeah I dunno what the social situation may be wherever you are, but here in NZ "Woke" cult ideologies run rampant and are aggressively imposed upon school children—often behind parents backs.

The education institutions here aren't educating children.

They are actively indoctrinating them, sexualizing them, poisoning their developing minds with outrageous lies common to the warped "Woke" delusions.

Personally I'll never submit my children to the perfidious state institutions.
I'll send them to school because kids need to see the outside world, they need to play with other kids, they need to know how to make friends and strike up a conversation, and they need to learn about society—after all, as we all know, people pick up a lot more knowledge from society than from books.
I'll send them to school because kids need to see the outside world, they need to play with other kids, they need to know how to make friends and strike up a conversation, and they need to learn about society—after all, as we all know, people pick up a lot more knowledge from society than from books.
You resume everything. Life is not a PC and a connection. There are relationships and friends. You need to know how to handle a situation most of the time without family help. Because if someone is behind a screen all the time it is not good, especially kids.
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