What changes are you hoping to see made to gun control?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
We know there needs to be more changes to gun control but the question is what changes should be made to help prevent the issues that many countries are going through when it comes to gun control.

When there are finally changes made to gun control, what would you hope to see some of the changes be?
I would hope to see a complete reversal of firearms restrictions.

Yes I am well aware of the various anti- gun pseudo-"arguments" promoted as if absolute fact by corp propagandists.

Throughout history, whenever the state or whichever dominant controlling class managed to disarm a population—💥—the tyranny soon followed thereafter. The population is left to the variably non-existent mercy of the powertrippers.
What I hope to see is the age limit. How about increasing the age limit of who can have a license to carry and those who are not permitted to carry such. Also, educating more people of the importance of following gun control.
Stricter lessons on gun handling, background checks on everyone and relocate gun sales to certain locations, not every day stores like Walmart.

Gun sales should be limited. Folks that have some issues getting access to guns should be checked as it is never the best way to get it done. Everyone having access to guns has been the reason we are in the situation we find ourselves now.
I would hope to see a complete reversal of firearms restrictions.

Yes I am well aware of the various anti- gun pseudo-"arguments" promoted as if absolute fact by corp propagandists.

Throughout history, whenever the state or whichever dominant controlling class managed to disarm a population—💥—the tyranny soon followed thereafter. The population is left to the variably non-existent mercy of the powertrippers.
Agreed! Gun control has got out of control and is Soley used as a political tool. Guns are vital to the protection of the citizenry and prevents exactly what Curious said... Tyranny will follow if Americans are disarmed. Also a civil war!
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