Yeah I refuse point blank to get those shots!! Nevr will. I'll take my chances and that's my choice!
Bloody good on you mate!
I genuinely do respect that.
Early last year, around Feb-March, a friend/business acquaintance called me up out of the blue to postpone a meeting scheduled for the following day. Her reason-in her words-was that she was a little bit crook and had gotten an R.A.Test done the day before—which apparently indicated she was covaids positive—& of course she then believed she had the covaids....

I definitely didn't believe she had the covaids, because I already know the truth about "viruses" and imo the whole covidian thing was full blown absurdity.
So... I agreed with my friend that she should certainly take time off work while recovering from the natural *detoxification process* she was experiencing, and we arranged to briefly meet at her place the following day.
The next day on the way into town I picked up some fresh kiwifruit, oranges, lemons & a bunch of garlic then met up at hers.... first she was freaking out about spreading the supposed covaids to me, however we ended up chillin' inside and chattin' for a good couple of hours.
The majority of that was with us barely being a meter apart and the entire time I was breathing the same air she was.

Guess how sick I was the next day....
I wasn't sick at all....and still have not been sick since either....infact I literally haven't been sick even once for almost 6 years now.