Oh gosh!

Does this not run contrary to discrimination laws?
I know a lot about this subject and am strongly opposed to stereotypes.
Labels can be so harmful! I'm shocked this is happening because I feel there's been a lot of advancement in society with respect to challenging ableist attitudes.
Labels are harmful. I just feel we should all adapt to each other, as opposed to expecting the disadvantaged to expect to the majority. It should be a two-way street.
I hope you get the result you hope for. I'm sorry to hear that you'll be getting screened, as it's evident you don't like that.
I don't know what it's like in the USA, but in the UK, it's a challenge to even get diagnosed with autism when you are high-functioning and have developed the appropriate strategies, unless you get diagnosed at a very young age. So many ppl WANT to be diagnosed, but end up feeling gaslighted as the challenges faced and the hard work in overcoming the obstacles have been dismissed. So they end up unable to receive the support they need and deserve :/