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  1. Nomad

    We Live Only Once

    Do you really believe we live only once? Do you think we are here on the earth first the first time and than we will never be here again once we die? Do you think death is the final ending and there is nothing left after death? Well, I do not think we only live once, and I also do not believe...
  2. Nomad

    The Concept of Avatar

    In Hinduism, it is believed that when humans start becoming sinner and when humanity is at stake, God will take a birth in a human form and destroy all wrong doers. Until now there have been 9 avatars and the final avatar will come to the earth and cleanse the humanity. What do you think of...
  3. Nomad

    What are your thoughts on Karma

    Karma is a philosophical idea from Hinduism, which was popularized by Buddhism. According to the principle of Karma, human beings move around the circle of birth, death and rebirth. The rebirth is determined by the karma of your previous life. You will continue to be born until you are liberated.
  4. Nomad

    Animal testing

    What are your views on animal testing? Are you against it or do you approve it? Well, I am against using animals for fun activities such as using them in circus, using them for sports, etc. But I think animal testing in the medical field is ok. What do you think?
  5. Nomad

    Religion and Politics

    Now, you might ask, what has religion got to do with politics, these are two different things, right? But if you look around the world, you will see politics is heavily influenced by religion.. Even though the United States is secular country, it might not accept people other than Christian in...
  6. Nomad

    Capital Punishment

    Are you for capital punishment or are you against it? Well, frankly speaking, I am against capital punishment even for the grave crimes. In our country, there is no capital punishment. However, in recent times there are discussion about introducing capital punishment for the grave crimes.
  7. Nomad

    Modern Interpretation of Religion

    Some religions are so rigid that the people are against the modern interpretation. For instance, in Islam, religion sanctions a man to marry 4 wives. When Islam evolved, men died in wars and to protect women, the prophet proposed that people can keep 4 wives. However, Islam does not want to...
  8. Nomad

    God With a Form and God Without a Form

    In some religion, God has a form. For instance, in Hinduism and Buddhism, God has form. God exist in human form. In some religion, God does not have form, for instance Islam. In some religion, God does not have a form but people pray to the messenger of God who has the forum. What do you think...
  9. Nomad

    You Cannot Petition the Lord With Prayers

    "You cannot petition the lord with prayers" is a line from The Door's song. I really believe in this line. God is a higher being who does not care about our petty issues such as money issues, health issues, relationship issues. Do you really think someone who looks after this creation has time...
  10. Nomad

    Hunting For Fun

    What are your thoughts on hunting for fun? Well, I am a meat eater but I am strictly against using animals for fun activities including hunting. Eating animal for food or using animal for research is one thing killing them and enjoying the kill is another. It is a cruelty that needs to be...
  11. Nomad

    Do you think Bitcoin will become number one asset?

    Currently, gold is the most valuable asset in the world with a market cap of $12 trillion. Miocrosoft is the most valuable company with the market cap of $3 trillion. Currently, market cap of Bitcon stands at $1.30 trillionand the total market of cryptocurrency is$2.39 trillion. Do you think...
  12. Nomad

    Why Are Rich Growing Richer

    If you look at the growth rate of millionaire and billionaire, you will see rich are growing richer. If you look at the rate of poverty, you will see poverty is also increasing in an alarming rate. Why do you think rich are growing richer and poor are growing poor? Here is the link to world...
  13. Nomad

    Do you think Republicans will take over White House

    Based on the growing popularity of Trump and decreasing popularity of Biden, I think the upcoming Presidential elections in the Us will be won by Republicans. One of the growing concerns related to Biden is is age. What do you think?
  14. Nomad

    Communism in Asia

    China is a communist country, likewise Vietnam, and Laos are also communist countries. Communism is growing in Nepal. After the 10 years of bloody communist insurgency, communists have participated in parliamentary polls and are now in government. In India, communists are raging armed...
  15. Nomad

    Elections in India

    India is the largest democracy in the world and it is having parliamentary elections. The party in the government claimed to win the elections by 2-3 majority where as the opposition says democracy will be in danger if the ruling party wins. What are your thoughts in Indian elections?
  16. Nomad

    The New Pronouns

    I have always believed there are three genders, male, female, and neuter. I believe the appropriate pronouns for these genders are he, she, they them, we us, etc. However, with the rise of LGBTQ + activities, we have been seeing new pronouns like xe/xem/xyr, ze/hir/hirs, and ey/em/eir. What's...
  17. Nomad

    Philosophers Who Influenced Many Generations

    If you make a list of philosophers who influenced generations of people, who would you include? It does not matter whether they influenced people in a good way or in a bad way, you can just include them. My list would include Lao Tzu Aristotle Shankaracharya Karl Marx Friedrich Nietzsche
  18. Nomad

    Do You Believe in Karma

    Karma is originally a Hindu philosophy that was popularized by the Buddhists. The literal translation of Karma is deeds. karma philosophy emphasizes birth and rebirth. When you die, your deeds will follow you in the successive life. If your deeds in the past life were good, your new life will be...
  19. Nomad

    Have you killed animals in a road accident?

    I have never hit any animals on the road. Thus, I have never killed animals in a road accident. However, I have collided with another vehicle once, and thankfully no one was badly hurt. Have you ever hit an animal on the road, have you killed an animal on the road?
  20. Nomad

    Was Moon Landing Fake?

    A lot of people believe that Moon Landing was faked. If you go to youtube you will find a lot of content that kind of make you believe that Moon Landing was faked. The proof they give seems to be very plausible and also convincing. If you listen to the industry experts they say that back then...
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