Recent content by Shortie

  1. Shortie

    Is Big Pharma evil?

    Unfortunately, it seems that the big pharma is only out to make money and not bothered about too much of anything else. They use health issues and pandemics such as we have seen with COVID to scare people into using these medicines purely to make a profit.
  2. Shortie

    Elon Musk Smartest Man Alive

    As much as Musk is one of the richest people on earth, I wouldn't say he is the smartest. Does he have good ideas and good intentions? Yes, he does and I believe that has helped his success. I did not know he was autistic though, that is something new I learned :)
  3. Shortie

    How did you get into your current hobby?

    My hobbies are posting on forums and also playing video games. Playing video games is something I got into when I was young when my dad introduced me and my brother to video games, from there I continued to play and still do now. I got into forum posting when I was searching for something...
  4. Shortie

    Do you think Bitcoin will become number one asset?

    I believe Bitcoin does have the potential to surpass gold someday but when that happens is anyone's guess I have a feeling that gold will be a valuable asset for a long time yet.
  5. Shortie

    Why Are Rich Growing Richer

    It is sad to see this but unfortunately, it is the case in many countries. Where I live which is the UK, we are seeing this and the government we have in at the moment seems to prefer to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. It's a shame that more is not done to help those who are in...
  6. Shortie

    Children should be motivated to do more exercise

    In the UK, children are motivated from a young age to be active with things such as wake up, shake up to music in which they dance to music which gets them moving. I don't know how many other countries do something similar.
  7. Shortie

    Which sports do you enjoy playing with your friends?

    I don't tend to play as many sports as I used to but years ago when I was younger, I used to enjoy playing bowling with my friends and we also used to head down to the tennis courts not far from where we lived to play tennis as well. Football was also very popular among the group of friends I...
  8. Shortie

    Do you enjoy watching basketball games?

    I have watched some basketball games in the past but I wouldn't say it is my favourite to watch and much of the time, is only on my TV as my kids tend to put it on to watch it.
  9. Shortie

    Do you like watching volleyball games?

    I can't say that I have watched volleyball games but I do know that you can on the TV. Many have said volleyball is fun to watch.
  10. Shortie

    Should Tik-Tok be banned in the US?

    I don't believe that TikTok being banned in the US will make any difference at all, so far I know that TikTok has said they are not going anywhere and will fight, this likely tells many of us that eventually it will be banned in the US. All they are doing at this point is controlling what the...
  11. Shortie

    Do you invest in cryptocurrency?

    I have looked into investing in crypto but have not felt safe enough to do so and still even now I have not gone ahead and invested in any kind of crypto. I don't mind receiving payments of crypto or helping others receive payments of crypto.
  12. Shortie

    Do you people still discipline your children by rods?

    This is something that is illegal now in the UK and is not a form of discipline for children. If you are caught doing anything like this to a child you will be arrested and serve a prison sentence.
  13. Shortie

    When was the last time you went camping?

    Camping was always something I used to do with friends when I was a kid, it was only ever in the back garden and it used to be a lot of fun. I have not done any kind of camping since I was a kid though and don't think I would dare now with how the world is.
  14. Shortie

    Racism at Sporting Events

    We see racism in sports all the time and I feel it is sad that it happens. I am happy that things are in place to prevent it and stop it. Some people feel that because it's chants it isn't as bad as saying it to someone outright but I feel if you allow it, the more people will think it's fine...
  15. Shortie

    Playing the lotto?

    As much as I feel the lotto is good overall, it is not something I tend to play anymore as I find it to be too much just to end up losing. The odds to win used to be high years ago but now it's not as good as it used to be which is a shame.
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