Is Big Pharma evil?

I think the big pharma is evil. They do research through public funding and sell overly priced drugs to the same public. The Covid vaccines being the latest example. They first said you need to shots, they they said you need booster shot and they started saying you need more booster shot. In this whole process there is nothing except the desire to make money.
Unfortunately, it seems that the big pharma is only out to make money and not bothered about too much of anything else. They use health issues and pandemics such as we have seen with COVID to scare people into using these medicines purely to make a profit.
I kind of despise the whole "one big evil entity"-description of anything, including pharmaceutical companies. I think it distorts the perception of what we are actually talking about, and moves the discussion away from "What is the situation and how can it improve?" to "Boo, being evil sucks".

There are many cases of the leaders of large pharmaceutical companies being driven by money above all else, and being willing to do horrible things in order to maximize profits. Those cases should call for more oversight and regulation of the industry, and probably some heavy sanctions if not prison sentences, imo.

Still, there are a lot of good people and idealistic people within many of those companies, who do what they can in order to create life-saving medicine within the barriers of their company policy. Those people should are also a part of big pharma, but I would not call those people evil.
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