Why most people can't do investments in your country

In my country the rates of the unemployment is very high that's why people don't afford to make investments.

A country that is facing unemployment crisis will definitely not find it easy to do the basics in terms of investing and that is a big issue especially you consider the issue of poor purchasing power.
I'd rather invest as gamble. I don't think the odds in investing are as much negative as with gambling (the house usually wins). How do you all feel? Myself, I've never invested in anything, but I have gambled on poker machines and played the lottery.
The percentage of people who do not even make $2 a day is almost 20 percent in my home country. When poverty is high, how can people invest? Investment requires money and most people in the country is struggling to survive.
In my country, poverty is not the problem but the lack of financial education that people have, also although there is more work than in other countries and the poverty ratio is relatively low, employment is of low quality and people have to face too many expenses.
In my country, people don't invest because most of them worked with the civil service and they are almost guaranteed a secure life and a future regardless. It is the younger generation that are learning to invest and practicing same.
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