US presidential elections

I don't follow either either (yes, double either :p) , just the news.
I am just the news. When I had a chance to watch. We will have a lot to talk about coming up. I sure Thump is going to be all over the place.
If you were to choose between Trump and Ron Desantis, who would you pick?
Funny I say that and then I read this :p
Make America Great Again Inc. is filing a 15-page complaint Wednesday with the Florida Commission on Ethics, a draft of which was obtained exclusively by NBC News.

It asks the commission to probe whether pro-DeSantis super PACs, his "personally lucrative book tour" and a continued wave of state-level campaign contributions, among other things, "are unlawful because they serve his personal political objectives, are in furtherance of his personal financial gain at the expense of Florida taxpayers, and are intended to influence his official decision to resign from office."
Happy Food GIF by Regal
Trump has done.
Trump is such an attention seeker with his antics which is why I think the news mention him over Biden. The news reporters love comedians.
It still doesn't change the fact that Donald J Trump is 200% better than Biden. There's no way Biden is anywhere near how good Trump was in office.
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