Curses for Disobedience

Jan 7, 2024
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In the Book of Deuteronomy, it lists many curses for disobedience. One even flat-out states that someone will get married, and the woman will lie with another. :whistle: Anyway, even though this isn't ancient Israel, I think the same idea applies. In fact, it goes along with my other thread about Spiritual Toxic Zones and how Christians should avoid them.
Rules were meant to guide a particular setup of a group, area or country. If one must disobey laid down rules, then one must be ready to dance to the tune of the rhythm. I believe there is a panalty for every offence. At least this would help curb the level of offence committed.
I think a lot of Christians are trying to play patty-cake with God. They live two lives and think there is no punishment. Well, indeed there is and to many it's a very mediocre or painful life even though some of those people still think God blesses them.
In the Book of Deuteronomy, it lists many curses for disobedience. One even flat-out states that someone will get married, and the woman will lie with another. :whistle: Anyway, even though this isn't ancient Israel, I think the same idea applies. In fact, it goes along with my other thread about Spiritual Toxic Zones and how Christians should avoid them.

Obedience is better than sacrifice, which is what the Bible said. So, it is very important that we are obedient to the people that are in authority, our parents and guardians so we shall enjoy the fruits of the land.
I am not a Christian and I cannot say anything how the curses of disobedience in terms of Christian perspective. I am a Hindu and in Hinduism there are many sects. One of the popular thought in Hinduism is if you do not do good karma, you will have to born again and again and live on earth. However., with good karma, you will be liberated and will be born no more.
I am not a Christian and I cannot say anything how the curses of disobedience in terms of Christian perspective. I am a Hindu and in Hinduism there are many sects. One of the popular thought in Hinduism is if you do not do good karma, you will have to born again and again and live on earth. However., with good karma, you will be liberated and will be born no more.
I don't think everything is set in stone. However, though, generally speaking, there is rewards for obedience.
Getting cursed for disobedience is not what it looks like literally. In the natural sense, any principle one violates has a negative effect It is same with Christianity and spiritual principles.
It could be the case because sometimes you need to discuss the idea and not impose your perspective then the other part will feel convinced and rate of disobedience reduces.
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