I'm actually going to agree with you here, i think drivers have such urgency to engage, or take a photo for their god dam instagram while driving or answer a snapchat...
But, with that said don't people think about how this is going to affect others on road? so many deaths on the road there needs to be stricter rules
Yeah you've presented valid points there mate.
i do agree for the most part too, or more accurately—i don't disagree at all, although am very skeptical (*not of your meaning here*) of any potential outcomes efficacy resulting from additionally imposed restrictions.
Simple because by imposing stricter rules for something like this, it essentially means punishing everyone for the dereliction of personal responsibilities by some.
Basically everyone is then held as accountable.
Though this obviously isn't meaning with regard to individual situations where set rules have been disregarded and an offender is penalized accordingly.
Yet i think we may risk exacerbating institutional corruption if we impose stricter blanket rules and thus also potentially translating to distorted manifestations of injustices with individual penalty situations—whether initially legitimate or otherwise.
Just my subjective opinion here, i reckon stricter rules may be more detrimental than beneficial because by doing so necessitates surrendering personal rights & responsibilities in exchange for granting greater corporate institutional control & legal authority—while entirely ignoring that the tragic real-world affects are caused by a minority of irresponsible individuals within a collective of generally responsible individuals.
Meaning, (imo) that if any solution is to be found,...it will only be from exploring solutions for increasing overall populations composite individuals fundamental acknowledgement for their personal responsibilities.
i do wonder whether people who've experienced vehicular loss of control/impact events—subsequently become more or less(or neither way) inclined towards unnecessary risk taking whilst driving.
i've experienced a few(none my fault) and i do think these have influenced me such that i'm generally highly vigilant and cautious while driving any vehicle.
Prior to my experiences in car wrecks i simply lacked any true comprehension for such, therefore i just did not ever think of potential horrific outcomes. These potentials real-world physical affects basically did not yet conceptually exist within my consciousness, although i was vaguely aware of traffic accidents—yet essentially only insofar as a something like an event in a movie.

Hopefully that makes some sense.