social media

  1. K

    Is social media a major cause of depression amongst humans?

    We see people show off and almost live their entire lives on the social media space? For some, the more they see the achievements of others on social media, they become depressed and start showing depressive tendencies. And not to mention cyber bullying which has made some people suicidal. Is...
  2. Jason

    An Obsession with Likes in Social Media and Forums

    Some people don't like "likes", but they are probably a small minority. Anyway, I like likes, but I can see why some don't. Well, for one thing, it can get too much a habit, so we can't tell what someone really likes to an extreme degree to what someone mildly likes.
  3. Jason

    How nosy should social media be?

    I was doing a private chat on FB about ranking a website, and then, suddenly, a barrage of ads about SEO. 😄 I mean, did I ask for that? All that from nosing in on my business.
  4. Shortie

    Is it the duty of social media platforms to address and counteract misinformation?

    We know that social media is one of the worst places for misinformation and fake news but it seems that it is not clear as to who should be held accountable when things like that are posted that cause issues. Do you feel that social media platforms should be held accountable when it comes to...
  5. Shortie

    Do you feel social media affects mental health?

    Social media has been known to have quite a lot going on and as much as we sometimes see positive things on social media, it can sometimes be outweighed by the negative things that can result in your mental health taking a hit. I often have to take time away from social media due to the...
  6. Shortie

    Can more be done to prevent cyberbullying?

    Cyberbullying is something that happens a lot online. It is when someone decides to bully someone else online and make their life difficult by harassing them online. This can sometimes lead to the victim of the bullying becoming depressed and in some cases, some have taken their lives due to the...
  7. Shortie

    Does social media help socializing?

    Social media has definitely become a lot more popular over the years with just about everyone having an account on at least one if not more social media platforms whether it be for personal use, business use, or for a brand. When it comes to social media, do you feel that it has helped...
  8. Shortie

    Has social media made the internet more toxic?

    It's no secret that social media has become a lot more dominant over the years with so many more people using social media more than anything else on the internet now to either share updates or just post random things they have found on the internet. Of course, with social media comes trolls...
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