Can more be done to prevent cyberbullying?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
Cyberbullying is something that happens a lot online. It is when someone decides to bully someone else online and make their life difficult by harassing them online. This can sometimes lead to the victim of the bullying becoming depressed and in some cases, some have taken their lives due to the bullying online.

As much as it is not I believe illegal to cyberbully to an extent in some countries, it would seem that it's not always enough to stop the cyberbullying and we still see people being bullied a lot online without any real changes being made.

Do you feel more can be done to prevent cyberbullying? What do you think could work?
I don't understand how it would exist. Couldn't the person block someone? Well, a scenario that seems more plausible is where someone is harassed in real life over something online. Who has seen that?
I am sorry I am going to sound insensitive here. It is people that are weak minded that allow themselves to be bullied online to the point that it can even get them depressed. How can someone from a faceless space say things to you that you take serious tiill it gets to depression. People should man up and stop being lily livered.
I don't understand how it would exist. Couldn't the person block someone? Well, a scenario that seems more plausible is where someone is harassed in real life over something online. Who has seen that?

It is not about blocking those that are bullying you on the internet, but about how one would feel when they take a deep look at it. The feeling that you have a lot of enemies on a particular social media platform can be mentally exhausting.
I've gotten hot under the collar about remarks made to me online, but I'm free to not go to those websites. Of course, that could be tougher if it's some place you like to hangout at. Who has that experience?
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