
  1. E

    Children should be motivated to do more exercise

    I think Children should be motivated to start exercising at an early age. Today e have a lot of children battling with over weight and other forms of sickness. I believe exercising at an early age would help prevent most of these sicknesses.
  2. Stardom22

    Do you people still discipline your children by rods?

    There is an English saying that goes, spare the rod and spoil the child. In the olden days most people and mostly in schools in the African continent were really canning the scholars stokes of canes for the sake of punishments. So do you people use the same strategy for disciplining of the children?
  3. Entropyisprogression

    Children’s Rights to consent to puberty blockers? Do they have that right?

    Children are now expressing their sexual identity (or proclaiming them as gender identity) at early ages and the amount of children has doubled in the past 5 years, that identify as transgender, has now created an industry of pharmaceutical and surgery prescriptions for them to “fix” their...
  4. Shortie

    Should we still encourage children to read books or is online reading more beneficial?

    With the internet being a huge part of everyone's lives now, many look at ways that are now more beneficial to learning. When I was a kid, reading books was always something we were encouraged to do to learn and to also widen our vocabulary but with the internet being used like it is now, some...
  5. Shortie

    Should children have limited TV time?

    So many parents either do not mind how much TV their children watch but on the other hand, you have parents who limit the time that their children spend watching the TV. I myself with all my kids used to let them watch TV but I found a lot of the time, even though the TV was on and something...
  6. ~ True Legend ~

    Sperm donor who fathered 550 children ordered to stop
  7. Shortie

    Do you think detentions work to help punish children?

    Detentions are something that is given to children when they misbehave in school, break the rules, or even if they are late for school. Detentions are usually given now at least in the UK at the end of the day and they are for an hour now. In some cases, detentions to work in preventing...
  8. Shortie

    Should all schoolchildren get free school meals?

    In the UK, if you have children you either have to pay for their school meals if you work and receive a certain amount but if you don't make a lot and have a low income, you are eligible for your child to have free school meals at school. With the rising inflation and the cost of living being...
  9. Shortie

    Do you believe there should be a limit to how much television children should watch?

    I always hear opinions about how people feel children watch too much television and how they should do other things during that time rather than waste it watching television. I always used to allow my children to watch television and I never saw an issue with it as a lot of the time, they...
  10. Shortie

    Should there be a limit on when a child receives pocket money?

    Pocket money is something many parents give their kids for completing chores or as a reward for doing well in school or maybe for other reasons. I have known many people to give their kids pocket money just because and even if they have misbehaved or not done what they were asked they will...
  11. Shortie

    What age do you feel is acceptable for a child to have a mobile phone?

    Nowadays, I see children as young as four or five years old with a mobile phone and whilst I can understand why their parents would have bought them one due to the games that can be played on the device, I feel four or five years old is way too young to have their own mobile phone. I have...
  12. Shortie

    Should junk food be banned for children?

    I am always hearing about how people would like to see some kind of restrictions put in place to prevent children from getting hold of so much junk food but nothing ever really does end up being put in place. As much as I am someone who believes that children should not be given too much junk...
  13. Shortie

    What are your thoughts on teachers having discussions with children about politics?

    As much as I am all for children learning about politics and being made aware of politics, something I am against is when teachers try and push their preferences in terms of parties or political members in a bid to try and sway a child to support a party or person they do. I believe that...
  14. Shortie

    Would you agree to a curfew for children under 16 years old?

    I don't know what it is like for children in other countries but here in the UK, you will be surprised at how many youngsters below the age of 16 are wandering the streets late at night and sometimes even early hours of the morning. At the moment I don't believe there is any kind of curfew in...
  15. Shortie

    Should vaccinations in children be compulsory?

    At the moment, getting your child vaccinated against deadly diseases is advised but it is not compulsory which means a lot of parents tend to refuse to get their children vaccinated, and that then causes issues and possibly even deaths that could have been avoided due to them refusing. Do you...
  16. Shortie

    Should children be paid to go to school?

    So something my youngest who is 13 mentioned to me the other day was "Can we get paid to go to school?" and my answer was no as that is exactly the case, you can not get paid to go to school and it is the law to go to school. His question however did get me thinking, with so many kids that do...
  17. Shortie

    Does homework benefit children?

    Something I always remember very well when I was in school is how much homework I got each day. After spending all day at school, the one thing I wanted to do was be able to chill out at home and relax ready for the next day but I always found that I had homework to complete so that was never a...
  18. ~ True Legend ~

    Should teachers be allowed to smack children?

    What are your thoughts? I'm a strict NO.
  19. Nebulous

    Advertising to children?

    The advertising industry spends $12 billion per year on ads targeted to children, bombarding young audiences with persuasive messages through media such as television and the Internet. The average child is exposed to more than 40,000 TV commercials a year, according to studies. How do you feel...
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