Search results

  1. Baw$e

    Money or friends?

    What's more important to you? Would you ever choose money over your friends? I would never choose money over anyone I consider a real friend, if you're a friend of mine you're family.
  2. Baw$e

    Do you stay awake until you cant no more?

    I always stay awake until I get super tired, unless I have plans for the next day. Do you like to stay up late?
  3. Baw$e

    Too Many Messages

    Do you ever get bothered by people that send too many messages? It drives me nuts when I'm trying to get things done, and constantly getting message alerts.
  4. Baw$e

    Do always throw out your trash?

    I try to put my trash in the garbage. However I've thrown cans or wrappers on the street before. Do you always make sure to put away your trash?
  5. Baw$e

    Do you think humans will ever live on Mars?

    I hope one day it'll be possible, and sustainable. Do you think well ever be able to live on Mars? What year do you think this could be a realistic possibility?
  6. Baw$e

    How often are you online?

    I'm usually online all day. Unless I have to run errands. How often are you on the internet?
  7. Baw$e

    Do you watch MMA or Boxing?

    I started watching MMA a lot more within the last few years, and more recently started watching boxing again. How about you?
  8. Baw$e

    Global Warming

    What are your thoughts on global warming? Do you think it's anything to worry about? I know a few years ago, people were going crazy about global warming thinking the worlds climate was going to change.
  9. Baw$e

    Elon Musk Neurolink

    Has anyone heard of it? It's a chip that gets inserted into your brain to control your mind. They already had human patient! Lot's of videos on Youtube about it, Thoughts?
  10. Baw$e

    Last time you played any sport

    When was the last time you played any sports? I played basketball last summer.
  11. Baw$e

    Do you play any sports?

    I only play for fun, but I like to play hockey and baskeball. Anyone play any sports?
  12. Baw$e

    Elon Musk Smartest Man Alive

    What you think? Is Elon Musk the smartest man alive?
  13. Baw$e

    Did you receive Covid benefits?

    I got around $28,000 from my government when they were giving out money during COVID. Did you receive any money from Covid?
  14. Baw$e


    Do you believe in the illuminati? Would you every join the illuminati if they approached you? What do you know about the illuminati? I don't believe in the whole sacrifice someone from my family thing. I wouldn't join the illuminati.
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