USA gun laws

Apr 3, 2023
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LATEST: Tennessee statehouse expels Democrats for gun control protest

Tennessee has some of the most relaxed gun control laws in the country. In 2021, the state passed a measure that allows residents over the age of 21 to carry handguns - concealed and unconcealed - without a permit.

Lawmakers and gun rights groups are working to lower that age to 18.

There is no system of universal background checks and no "red flag" laws, which are designed to allow authorities to temporarily seize legally owned guns from those found to be a danger to themselves or others.

Police said the Nashville shooter, who opened fire last week at the privately run Christian school, had legally purchased seven firearms on separate occasions.

Hopefully Biden's executive order to tighten up checks by going background checks on the purchaser will pass.
Universal background checks - or the requirement to run a gun buyer's information through an FBI database before a sale is made - are seen as key to closing legal loopholes that allow prohibited purchases and are supported by a broad majority of the American public. But legislation that requires criminal background checks for all guns sales has languished in the Senate with even some Democrats opposing it.
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Hopefully Biden's executive order to tighten up checks by going background checks on the purchaser will pass.
I am going to have to read this and comment.
I've been keeping up with the Second Amendment and laws on my website
Sorry, I'm not quite sure how the second amendment relates to your website? :)
The second amendment in the USA relates to the right to bear arms.
Perhaps I'm being a lil slow, but I'm not sure you have to defend your website with arms? :D
When I read about any types of restrictions on guns, I think about the big cities that have the strongest restrictions and heaviest laws and compare how they're doing. And what I find is a complete and utter failure to curb what they hope to do, and that is to stop gun violence. Look at Chicago, for instance, some of the strongest laws on the books and yet, the shootings are so bad that even on the Dan Ryan expressway there is a fear to commute to work and back because of the shootings there.

Gangs, criminals and anyone with evil intent are not going to follow gun laws.
i hate guns full stop.

the US need to tighter the gun laws. As i know everyone has the entitlement to have a gun and yes most of the people that have them are to protect themselves, or even their farms.... but people can just go in and buy a gun and walk out with one? no background checks or anything which i don't find right?
Look at Chicago, for instance, some of the strongest laws on the books and yet, the shootings are so bad that even on the Dan Ryan expressway there is a fear to commute to work and back because of the shootings there.
Oh wow, I wasn't aware that different states have different gun laws.
Illinois has very restrictive gun laws. The Illinois gun laws, contained in Statute 720 of the Criminal Code 2012, prohibit persons from carrying firearms visibly in public, and is one of five states that do so. In 31 other states, an “open carry” of firearms is allowed, without requiring any permit, though the gun must be unloaded.

So, while your Second Amendment rights might allow you to keep and bear arms, the manner of the keeping and bearing is still subject to state laws. In Illinois, those laws restrict the types of arms you can carry and the manner in which you can carry them.

Thanks for sharing that! We learn something new everyday :)

How common would you say gun crime is in Chicago, in comparison to other USA states with looser gun laws?
Gangs, criminals and anyone with evil intent are not going to follow gun laws.
You're right about that. The whole problem starts with human intention. The bad one's will always find a way to circumvent the gun laws and get exactly what they want for their personal selfish desires. It's how the world we live in now is.
You can say the whole word if you like. We have a filter on the site for anyone that doesn't want to see it.

I don't care what the Constitution says.
Do you care about the other 9 amendments?

Me too, I live in the UK. There's already a thread on this here: :)
I missed this. Please report this so I can merge the topics. Thanks!

EDIT: Topics are merged now. Thanks for the heads up @~ True Legend ~
Do you care about the other 9 amendments?
I believe that we are all humans, despite color, race, or religion, and should treat each other with peace and no judgement.

Since that will never happen, I choose to take care of my family and friends. Bluntly put, the rest of the world can **** off.
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