Windows 11

Due to my PC being a little older now and the hardware being older, I am unable to upgrade to Windows 11. My son, however, got a new PC last year and he has Windows 11 on the PC, I have used it a little and I do like it. Would love to be able to upgrade to Windows 11 but for now, I will have to wait.
Eventually, there's no way of running away from using Windows 11 forever, so I had to upgrade to using it early in order for me to get used to it quickly. I haven't had any technical issues with it yet.
That's a good sign! :) You'd be surprised how many of Microsoft's own developer tools are buggy - I've experienced it and I've also had discussions with an online friend who experienced various issues too. The life of a software developer, oh woe is me!

oh where did i go wrong carol burnett GIF

How do you like it compared to windows 10? Just curious on your perspective, I've never tried it as a Mac user :cool:
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