Who is who

Between a man and a woman who is supposed to break the news of love for the other?
I really don't like all these rules personally. I'm firmly opposed to gender stereotypes. Of course everyone is entitled to their views though :)

Season 6 Bip GIF by Bachelor in Paradise

I don't really have dating experience so I can only speak for my views, but not from experience :)

I'd love to hear views of other members too! :cool:
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Talk about a thread topic that doesn't say much about what the content is all about 😒... Oh my!

But on the subject, I don't feel comfortable getting a lady profess love for me. It's how my masculinity works for. I love being the one making the first move and not the other way around.
I am someone that believes that both a man and a woman should feel as though they can declare their love for the other regardless of their sex. If they feel confident enough to let their feelings be known then they should go for it and say something.

Usually, it is the guys that end up being the ones that say something when they feel they are ready but I don't believe women should be put off by that if they are confident enough.
For me I think that it's more appropriately for the man to propose for the woman. In fact that what most customs and traditions would state. But if in any case the woman has fallen in love with a certain man and the man seems not to be even aware of that/notice despite the woman showing some interests, signs and love actions to him and trying to lure him to the trap by all costs in vain.
I think at this point the woman can take the blood heart and decide to approach the man directly.
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