Is abortion murder?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
We all know the debate regarding abortion and whether it should be allowed or not and many people have their opinion which is always respected as everyone deserves their own opinion.

Going from the abortion debate, would you say that abortion is murder? What makes you say it's murder?
Technically, yes it's a murder. No matter how much it's been justified by anyone, it's a termination of life in process. It's a killing!
Many will argue that it's not the case because they are not human yet, they are not something that is living.

As someone who has had 4 children myself, I know that you can find the heartbeat of a baby from very early on in your pregnancy, I believe I was around 7 weeks when I had my first scan with my first and there was a heartbeat. If there is a heartbeat there then it is a living thing and if you terminate you are killing.

This is one of the reasons why I only accept abortion if there is a huge risk to the mother or the baby. If the baby being born is only gonna lead it to pass anyway or even not have a good quality of life, then it is best to terminate.
This is one of the reasons why I only accept abortion if there is a huge risk to the mother or the baby. If the baby being born is only gonna lead it to pass anyway or even not have a good quality of life, then it is best to terminate.
You may find this to be an interesting read:
Just out of curiosity, do you think mothers should be allowed to abort babies with Down's syndrome?
Under legislation in England, Wales and Scotland, there is a 24-week time limit for abortion, unless "there is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped", which includes Down's syndrome.
Heidi Crowter previously challenged legislation allowing foetuses with the condition to be aborted up until birth.

But in November 2022 Judges at the Court of Appeal decided the Abortion Act did not interfere with the rights of the living disabled.

The campaigner had argued that the rules were discriminatory.
Just out of curiosity, do you think mothers should be allowed to abort babies with Down's syndrome?
This is something I would not do myself as I do not agree with it but I know that other women may have different ways of looking at things. I know from 16 weeks a test is done to check for Down syndrome and there is the option to abort if you wish to but this test is never 100% meaning if you choose to abort, you could be aborting a perfectly healthy baby and that is not a risk I would be willing to take.
There's no way to sugar coat this. You just have to admit the reality. Abortion is murder, you are terminating life half way. So give or take you have killed a human even if it's still in the forming stage. So stopping that life you have killed
Yeah I absolutely agree!

My personal opinion, is we ought fully assume our individual responsibilities for our choices & actions before the generally inevitable consequences manifest, such as refraining from interpersonal intimate activities just for casual fun—which may potentially result with a living being-being snuffed out by their own mother.

*The abortion harvesting procedure is imo absolutely bloody horrific!
Sometimes the health situation of the mother forces her to get to abortion. Another case is that if the mother has a child outside the relationship of marriage in some countries if she keeps the baby their family members may kill her. So she opts for an abortion.
When you abort a fluid, how is that murder? When abortion happens few days or like two weeks after fertilization, it is not murder in any form. That thing doesn't have life that could be murdered. A foetus that has a beating heart has life and aborting at that age is plain wickedness.
There are two types of abortions: induced abortion and spontaneous abortion. The spontaneous abortion is something we don't have control over, so we can't be asked for it, but the induced abortion should be allowed if there is a medical condition that puts the mother at risk of losing her life or life-threatening conditions. But this is my opinion, and I respect others opinions.
Many will argue that it's not the case because they are not human yet, they are not something that is living.

As someone who has had 4 children myself, I know that you can find the heartbeat of a baby from very early on in your pregnancy, I believe I was around 7 weeks when I had my first scan with my first and there was a heartbeat. If there is a heartbeat there then it is a living thing and if you terminate you are killing.

This is one of the reasons why I only accept abortion if there is a huge risk to the mother or the baby. If the baby being born is only gonna lead it to pass anyway or even not have a good quality of life, then it is best to terminate.
Some people will make up anything just to justify their actions but we know the truth no matter how they try to paint it blue and black. When a pregnancy is terminated, there's blood cloth just like when you kill a living thing.

Abortion is evil unless it's done to save the life of the mother.
It is murder and a terrible crime in many countries. If is not a murder, why is it that anyone that aborts always feel depressed and disoriented? The reason is not farfetched, it is because it is a killing of innocent child. The guilt rises from lack of justification. There is no justification for murdering a baby.
It is murder and a terrible crime in many countries. If is not a murder, why is it that anyone that aborts always feel depressed and disoriented? The reason is not farfetched, it is because it is a killing of innocent child. The guilt rises from lack of justification. There is no justification for murdering a baby.
Exactly! There's always a stench of guilt at the end of each abortion carried out by anyone. It's the weight of committing murder and they all know it. It's just that most of them don't want to come open and admit it.
Yes no matter how we want to deny this. Abortion will be a crime against humanity till tomorrow. You don't want to commit abortion then guard yourself if you are sexually active
There's no lie in what you have just said! It's very unfortunate that for some reason, the government of some countries sympathise with those who want to doing abortions for some silly reasons to back them up by law and make it legal.
There's no lie in what you have just said! It's very unfortunate that for some reason, the government of some countries sympathise with those who want to doing abortions for some silly reasons to back them up by law and make it legal.
Yeah the simple thing is that if you don't want an abortion it is easy. Then plan not to get pregnant. Use protection than planning to abort
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