Do you feel social media affects mental health?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
Social media has been known to have quite a lot going on and as much as we sometimes see positive things on social media, it can sometimes be outweighed by the negative things that can result in your mental health taking a hit.

I often have to take time away from social media due to the negativity that I have seen or even due to the drama that you can sometimes see online on social media. This helps me stay away from negative things that can contribute to my mental health taking a hit.

What are your thoughts on social media and mental health? Do you feel it affects mental health to some extent?
Yes, negative vibes from people online can tamper with one's mental health. This is why sometimes we need to detox when the negativity is becoming too much by logging out for a long time.
I agree! We all tend to in some ways rely on the internet and social media nowadays and when things can get negative, drama starts to get a bit much or even the news tends to become a little too much to handle, it is always wise to take a step back and have a break from it all.
Facebook's psychology of "likes" is similar to what is seen on slot machines. Anyway, despite on knowing this, I'm on Facebook a lot. I suppose I don't really care enough about the negatives.
I feel most tend to become numb to the negatives after a while and that is the best way to be in a sense.

I used to use Facebook a lot but found it was just too much and I would question my life compared to others, didn't do my mental health any good and I have felt better now staying away rather than being on as much as I used to.
I feel most tend to become numb to the negatives after a while and that is the best way to be in a sense.

I used to use Facebook a lot but found it was just too much and I would question my life compared to others, didn't do my mental health any good and I have felt better now staying away rather than being on as much as I used to.
I don't get jealous of others. I just don't care. It's because while they have their positives, I've got mine and they don't always intersect.
Indeed, social media has a major effect on our well-being. I can speak from experience when I say that when I browse social media, I see people my age who have luxurious goods like homes, vehicles, and incredible lifestyles, and it makes me reflect on my own situation, which stresses me out. They seem young, perhaps 24 or 25, and that makes me wonder, "What did I do wrong?"
Great perspectives and opinions guys &/or gals. In each case I can agree for the most part too. 🙂👍Well done!

Ya know, I think there are individuals who benefit significantly in terms of subjective psychology and self-conceptions~vs~external stimuli & accurate distinctions, eg: discovering one's true fundamental selfness and thereafter wilfully motivating towards one's own individualization development.

🤔hmmm...yeah, pretty much along those lines anyways.

Ahh whale, time for bed. Catch😁
Social media being an avenue for braggadocio and show off affects some people's mental health negatively. Some people get depressed seeing pictures of presumed successes their counterparts are making and end up feeling bad for themselves. I have had many people call themselves worthless because their friends are assumingly doing better based on social media pictures and videos.
The insecurities caused to the mental health of persons due to social media are well documented. Some people are stretching to do things that they can't afford because they want to demonstrate to people that they have also arrived. It is a pathetic situation how these insecurities can breed depression in the long run.
The wrong use of it will affect mental health. I believe social media is one of the best tools in order for a person suffering from mental health to connect with people he or she doesn't know. Social Media can use help the person to reconnect with childhood friends. This way can help that person reach out easily to his or her known support system.
The problem with social media is that you cannot express yourself for free like in forums because all family members are there and you need to post something on their measures, not on your beliefs. This is why my activity on social media is much decreased these days.
This I can agree with, you could post something and a family member would take it seriously or they would feel a need to be upset about it without finding out the context first which causes issues.

That on top of just getting tired of seeing friends and family post up how perfect their lives were (even though I know they are not) was the reason my social media presence decreased as fast as it did.
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