Day or Night Sleeper?

As I suffer from fibromyalgia and acute migraines sometimes I can have nights where I am in so much pain that I can't sleep and if that happens I will sleep during the day if I need to. It depends on how I am feeling and how well I sleep as to whether I sleep during the day or at night.
Sorry to hear that :(
I know people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, so I know how debilitating they can be, and how excruciating the pain can be.
They're some of the most misunderstood conditions by people. There definitely needs to be more awareness and acceptance of these sorts of things.
I am a night sleeper. I always try to go to bed at 10 and wake up at 5. Sometimes when I get time, I also enjoy a 30-minute daytime siesta. I find 30 minutes of power nap very liberating, however, usually, I don't get that luxury.
Am a morning sleeper. I go to sleep very late around 2 am or 3am and wake up aeound 10 or 11 in the morning. But now, due to numerous daily engagement, i sleep once is 12 midnight.
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