
  1. Jason

    Is reading and writing made out to be more important than it should be?

    People couldn't read or write for many centuries. I mean, most people couldn't. How do you feel about that situation?
  2. Shortie

    Should we still encourage children to read books or is online reading more beneficial?

    With the internet being a huge part of everyone's lives now, many look at ways that are now more beneficial to learning. When I was a kid, reading books was always something we were encouraged to do to learn and to also widen our vocabulary but with the internet being used like it is now, some...
  3. Shortie

    Are books better than television?

    You may have heard people say it a lot, especially over the years how television is bad for you and that reading books can benefit you more. I remember even as a kid I used to hear that a lot. My family would always buy me books and encourage me to read and I will admit, it did help me in...
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