
  1. Nomad

    Capital Punishment

    Are you for capital punishment or are you against it? Well, frankly speaking, I am against capital punishment even for the grave crimes. In our country, there is no capital punishment. However, in recent times there are discussion about introducing capital punishment for the grave crimes.
  2. Shortie

    Do you think detentions work to help punish children?

    Detentions are something that is given to children when they misbehave in school, break the rules, or even if they are late for school. Detentions are usually given now at least in the UK at the end of the day and they are for an hour now. In some cases, detentions to work in preventing...
  3. Nebulous

    Capital Punishment

    https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-debate-over-capital-punishment-arguments-for-and-against/ Thoughts?
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