
  1. R

    Time or money?

    Time and money can be measured in much the same way since there is a saying that says that time is money, and it is true, you exchange most of the time your time for money, you can lose money and get it back, but lost time is never recovered, so for me, time is much more valuable than money.
  2. Baw$e

    Money or friends?

    What's more important to you? Would you ever choose money over your friends? I would never choose money over anyone I consider a real friend, if you're a friend of mine you're family.
  3. Jason

    Britan's Youngest Billionaire Isn't Hung Up on Money He says it shouldn't be the measure of someone's success. That's odd coming from someone so rich, but there is another famous person, Kenau Reeves, who has a similar mentality. Who has heard...
  4. Jason

    Should celebrities feel guilty about easy money?

    If some soccer star gets 1 million USD for a goal, then so what? What is the logic behind cutting that down? I don't understand really.
  5. Shortie

    Should schools teach students the importance of saving money?

    As much as I feel parents should be the ones to teach their kids the importance of saving money, I also feel that help from schools as well and them teaching the importance of saving money could also work really well as well. Going off one of my previous topics regarding schools teaching...
  6. Shortie

    Does money bring happiness?

    We always hear the saying money brings happiness but when you think about it, is that really the case or is it just a common saying that became popular? I personally feel that if I was to become financially stable then I would be happier but then again, I believe everyone would be happier if...
  7. Shortie

    Should there be a limit on when a child receives pocket money?

    Pocket money is something many parents give their kids for completing chores or as a reward for doing well in school or maybe for other reasons. I have known many people to give their kids pocket money just because and even if they have misbehaved or not done what they were asked they will...
  8. ~ True Legend ~

    Are footballers paid too much money?

    I don't think it's fair, personally, that footballers earn so much money. And what? For having fun. They earn more than so many stuck in public sector jobs. At least in the UK. And it all comes from our tax. I respect everyone will have different views, but personally, I don't think sport is...
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