
  1. Shortie

    Should the right to online privacy be considered a fundamental entitlement?

    Online privacy is something we are all aware of if we use the internet frequently and as much as we are entitled to our privacy online, there may be times when that may not be feasible, which needs to be looked into for legal reasons. What are your thoughts on this? Do you feel online privacy...
  2. Shortie

    Is AI a threat to employment?

    AI is becoming more developed each week that passes by and we are starting to see people who are worrying about whether AI will eventually become a threat to employment and possibly even their job. Are you worried about AI becoming a threat to employment?
  3. Shortie

    Does the death penalty serve as an efficient deterrent to criminal behaviour?

    The death penalty is not something that is used everywhere in the world but it is still a form of punishment in some places. Many will argue that the death penalty is too severe due to how many people have been found not guilty years later whilst others feel it is a good form of punishment...
  4. Shortie

    Should schools allow debates?

    Something I have noticed with schools, even when I was in school is just how much they tolerate debates within school. Most schools if not all tend to stay away from any kind of debates even if they are healthy debates and would help a lot in education. Debates can be held in a way that they...
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