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  1. fords8

    I may! hehe

    I may! hehe
  2. fords8

    Last Spam Email?

    I don't open them at all. My spam folder is empty right now. :p
  3. fords8

    Assaults in care

    Very sad. My son worked at a place to care for older people. He couldn't take it anymore. So he quit and reported some of the stuff he seen. Everything from not cleaning, feeding, and just everyday care. Even had one person not giving meds to someone. And taken the meds themself. Crazy to think...
  4. fords8

    Stardom22 at debate hq

    Hi @Stardom22 and welcome to Debate HQ.
  5. fords8

    Whats The Weather Like?

    We hit about 62f today. Sun was out for a while too.
  6. fords8

    How Was Your Day?

    I had to get up at 1am. Most of the day was alright. But at the end, I had a tire issue on one of my trailers. Will be fixed tomorrow!
  7. fords8

    What Did You Have For Dinner Today?

    Pizza for tonight.
  8. fords8

    What Is The Time Right Now?

    4:46 PM right now.
  9. fords8

    Last Youtube You Watched

  10. fords8

    USA Racism

    Kansas City homeowner pleads not guilty to assault in shooting of Black teen 1681935987 This guy didn't even...
  11. fords8

    Antarctic ocean currents heading for collapse - report

    Interesting read here. I didn't know deep ocean currents were also known as overturnings.
  12. fords8

    Netflix has announced plans to cease its DVD-by-mail operations.

    We have the streaming service. Use it every week.
  13. fords8

    Cyclone Ilsa rapidly intensifies as it approaches landfall in Western Australia

    Anyone from this area? Be safe!
  14. fords8

    Netflix has announced plans to cease its DVD-by-mail operations.

    SOURCE WOW! I guess it had to happen sometime. We stopped getting them by mail a long time ago.
KeraLatest member