Will we see a time when computers replace teachers?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
Since the pandemic and students having to work from home via online video learning it has got many people wondering if one day computers may take over teachers and teachers may not longer be needed.

I personally feel that face-to-face teaching is the best kind of education and I do hope we keep that and we do not lose that but could computers take over teachers to any extent?

What are your thoughts?
I just mentioned something similar in another thread about technology replacing human labor and my point is that it's never going to possible 100%. Yes, COVID showed the world how to function online and make things work but when it comes to education, it's not going to be possible to replace teachers in physical educational environment. You can carry out lab practicals online.
I think that time is coming in the near future. In fact there are already apps across the web that provides intergerated kind of education whereby child can learn through the app without the help of anyone.
It does seem more likely that even if we do not see a full switch over to computers and programs taking over teachers, we will see a significant amount of it done via computers. With AI being used the way it is now, I can only imagine how it will be in say 5 years or even 10 years time.

Even now my kids in school when their teachers teach them, it's never like it used to be for me in school where the majority of the lesson was the teacher talking, explaining, and writing on the board. A lot of it now is teachers finding videos from learning websites or even using YouTube and letting kids watch them to learn things which I guess in a sense, is computers slowly taking over.
Teachers can only use computers to make the goal of learning and teaching more effective. Computers can never replace teachers. Teaching is not just about explaining concepts. There is psychological delivery which involves emotional connection in teaching.
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