Forest Fires

Feb 26, 2023
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This rant is about people being so careless in the woods. In my area already in the last 3 weeks we have seen to many. We are pretty dry right now around here. The last one was because of a fishermen flipping a cigarette without a care in the world. This happened on the other side on my town. 40 to 50 fire trucks showed up to help put this out. Police and others showed up as well. Please just need to more careful. I am glad it didn't take out anyone home or cars. No one was hurt either. But it could have been big trouble.
Sometimes people are careless and sometimes people are ignorant. In our country, people in rural areas believe that when fire engulfs forests it will pave room for new herbs to grow. Therefore, rural folks often ignite fires in the forests. By the way, it is an act punishable by law.
In our country, people in rural areas believe that when fire engulfs forests it will pave room for new herbs to grow.
Another superstitious belief? Wow.

You still haven’t told me what country you’re in, not being nosey, I’m just curious from the discussions :cool:

By the way, it is an act punishable by law.
of course it is, it’s arson
You still haven’t told me what country you’re in, not being nosey, I’m just curious from the discussions
I am from Nepal, a tiny country tucked between Tibet and India. Everest, the world's tallest mountain, is in Nepal and the Buddha, the founder of Buddhism was born here.
It annoys me when people are careless around forests and end up starting huge fires. Reminds me of the time the El Dorado fire were started from a "gender" reveal. (There's a reason why I put "gender" in quotes, but I don't want to get off topic.)
I seriously didn't realise this is a frequent occurrence. :o I'll look into the El Darado incident, call me oblivious haha, thanks for sharing! I'll read up on it when I get a chance. :)
This is something we see very well during hunting seasons. Forest are set ablaze by some inconsiderate hunters all in the name of trying to hunt games. It breaks my heart seeing a lot of wildlife's homes destroyed.
I don't know much about hunting/forest fires at all so thanks for sharing!
This was a huge problem last year when we had severe heatwaves here in the UK and very little rain. The ground was so dry and the grass was super dry despite warnings about having disposable barbeques or throwing glass bottles on grass, some never listened and we saw people even lose their homes due to fires.
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