Do you go for the public hospitals or the private hospital

For me I find it more conveniently to use the public hospitals and health facilities because they are very cheap, and Most importantly they have the access to the relevant medical equipment and supplies compared to most private hospitals that doesn't have x-ray equipment and being more expensive just for nothing. For the schools, the private schools are the option for the best quality kind of education your kids ever need.
Here in the UK we have the option of using the NHS and we also have the option of paying for private healthcare as well, it really is a personal preference and whether you can afford to or not to go private.

I always use public hospitals that take NHS as I would never be able to afford private healthcare as it is too expensive. I have had many times where I have needed emergency care and I have got it using the NHS and a public hospital and they are amazing.
The only challenge I have with the government hospitals is that they delay so much to attend to patients because of the influx of patients into such facilities. That is why I use private hospitals to get prompt services.
KeraLatest member