Would you agree to a curfew for children under 16 years old?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
I don't know what it is like for children in other countries but here in the UK, you will be surprised at how many youngsters below the age of 16 are wandering the streets late at night and sometimes even early hours of the morning.

At the moment I don't believe there is any kind of curfew in place or if there is, it is not enforced enough for it to work.

If there was a law put into place that meant there was a curfew for under 16s to ensure they were in the house at a certain time, would you agree to it?
With the recent shooting that's going on having kids killed in the streets, I'm very much in support for a curfew because it's going to keep teenagers out of harms way. Ordinarily, no one should be out too late at night. You're not a vampire, you should be at home when it's nightfall.
In my country when we come to the security issues that involves the enforcement of curfews, they usually lock in all the people during the stipulated curfew time frame. I am not sure whether they exclude the children under the age of 16 years.
Over here in the UK, we have been known to see kids as young as 10 years old still out causing trouble in the streets and I feel that is going too far. It's normal, especially down the street I live on and when we are in the summer months and the summer holidays when the weather is really warm, to see the local kids down the street out until quite late but their parents are usually there as well and there is no trouble caused and I feel that is fine.

When it comes to kids as young as say 10 being out in parks or in the streets vandalizing things and just causing grief for the community, that is where I feel a curfew should come into place, any kids out past the curfew get brought home by the police and everything is checked at home to find out why the child was out so late.
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