Do you really believe we live only once? Do you think we are here on the earth first the first time and than we will never be here again once we die? Do you think death is the final ending and there is nothing left after death?
Well, I do not think we only live once, and I also do not believe death is final.
I also don't believe that death is the end or that we live only once, although I don't know what is after death, to think that it is the end without having any evidence of it is too cynical in my opinion
I believe that every man lives once and die once. I believe that whatever proofs that people have for reincarnation is just a coincidence. That's why I try to make the most of life now.
I try to base my life on what I know, and to the extent of my knowledge death is simply absence of life, just like before we were born. I might be proven wrong once I actually die, that would be a pleasant or unpleasant surprise, but I live my life in accordance with the somewhat justified belief that we only live once. Better make the best of it!
Different strokes for different folks. For me I believe in the biblical principles we always die once and then come judgement. So no return to the world that's it
There are different talks about reincarnation and so on, honestly I don't know what to believe, but right now I am just focused on living this life that I am in right now. I do believe there is more to death, that our journey doesn't end when we grow old and die.
I strongly believe that we all are energies. And energy can not be destroyed, it just changes it's form. When we say that we live once, I would consider the present life form to be that once.
We will take another form according to my belief. That's what Hinduism says. It can be drawn parallel to reincarnation.