What do you feel that really means? Sometimes I think it's cop-out for those who don't want criticism. Nonetheless, though, it teaches a powerful lesson on how Christians should be humble and truly look in the mirror before pointing fingers.
I agree that it is for those who do not want to be told what they did. There are consequences for every action that we take, and that is the main reason anyone should be careful with the way that they live their lives to avoid such consequences for their actions.
It means we are not perfect as well, instead of condemning others or always bringing out the things they did wrong or are doing wrong, it's best you look within yourself and make the necessary changes. And he has not put us in the position of judges, so it is not our duty nor our place to judge.
Yeah we don't have to criticize other but giving a constructive view of a thing is allowed. I prefer to correct than to criticize. it works better for people
A person is what he is due to various things. His situations in life play a major role in shaping him..We should avoid judging anyone as we are not sure about what the person has been through. It's rightly said that don't judge a person till you walk in his shoes.
I don't believe in that teaching of not judging someone. It literally means look the other way to the misbehaviors of people and don't call them out. People use that quote to play the victim card even when they intentionally do wrong things.