Do you believe studying another language should be compulsory?

Mar 16, 2023
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England, UK
Studying another language was something every student did when I was in school. I got placed in German which was pointless for me as French would have been better. I had to study German from year 7 to 11 and complete it for my GCSE exam.

Nowadays, schools do not make learning a language compulsory. Do you feel studying a language should be compulsory in schools?
No need. It is enough to learn one that will help you survive.
I can agree with this. I feel that as long as you know your country's language and you are able to speak it and write in it fine without issue then that is all you need.

In the case that someone may be looking for a job and it may be in another country with people who speak another language, I do feel that then it should be compulsory to learn that language.

When it comes to learning at school though, a lot of the time you end up learning a language you will never use and in some cases, that lesson could have been switched for another that would have benefited more.
I don't think it should be. Well, beginner classes seem weak anyway. I mean, despite some teachers enthusiasm, there isn't enough immersion especially in high school courses, from what I can remember.
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It is a plus but right now I don't see a need for school to mandate students to enroll to a language class. Only if the language class is prerequisite to the field they are going to take.

Years back, my mother told me that they (her parents specifically) had Spanish class and some of the lessons were taught in Spanish.
I took French in High School, because a language was required as an elective. There are two sides to this argument as one can argue a student would be better at their craft if they were focused on classes that were related only, while others could argue adding electives make you a better student through exposure to a class you wouldn't have otherwise chosen. I believe taking a foreign language is helpful because it allows you to broaden your language and grammar skills, while also improving your base language. In other words, you improve your first language grammar skills while learning another language. At least that was my experience, and I was in honor's English.
I think it depends on where you find yourself. Personally I do not see the need of learning another language if you do not have need for it. But then again no one knows what the future might hold. I use to hate learning French back then I school cause i felt it was hard and there was really no need for it. In the end, my university year was in a country that speaks French.
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