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  1. Shortie

    How has your day been?

    We all get up to fight another day despite how we are feeling. Some of us may be having a great day and for others, we may not be having such a great day. How has your day been today? I have been busy today but the weather has made me feel somewhat tired for most of it.
  2. Shortie

    Should college education be free for all?

    College education depending on the country you live in is either government-funded or you have to pay for it yourself. Many often ague that college should be government-funded in every country to help people get what they need to be successful in life. I will admit, that being made to pay for...
  3. Shortie

    Ask Shortie

    Feel free to ask me anything, I will let you know if I find it too personal to answer :) Fire away!
  4. Shortie

    Should the right to online privacy be considered a fundamental entitlement?

    Online privacy is something we are all aware of if we use the internet frequently and as much as we are entitled to our privacy online, there may be times when that may not be feasible, which needs to be looked into for legal reasons. What are your thoughts on this? Do you feel online privacy...
  5. Shortie

    Is AI a threat to employment?

    AI is becoming more developed each week that passes by and we are starting to see people who are worrying about whether AI will eventually become a threat to employment and possibly even their job. Are you worried about AI becoming a threat to employment?
  6. Shortie

    Does the death penalty serve as an efficient deterrent to criminal behaviour?

    The death penalty is not something that is used everywhere in the world but it is still a form of punishment in some places. Many will argue that the death penalty is too severe due to how many people have been found not guilty years later whilst others feel it is a good form of punishment...
  7. Shortie

    Is it the duty of social media platforms to address and counteract misinformation?

    We know that social media is one of the worst places for misinformation and fake news but it seems that it is not clear as to who should be held accountable when things like that are posted that cause issues. Do you feel that social media platforms should be held accountable when it comes to...
  8. Shortie

    Gypsy Rose

    Many of you will have heard of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, a young woman who was abused by her mother and made to live a life as a disabled young girl lying about having different health issues to benefit her mother. It got to the point where her mother was being handed almost everything but Gypsy...
  9. Shortie

    Those who believe COVID is a conspiracy.

    I always remember during the pandemic and when the lockdowns were at their most strict, many people would be on the internet and questioning whether COVID was real or whether this was the government's way of controlling us and making us do what they wanted us to. Despite many deaths and people...
  10. Shortie

    Should there be more done to help drug addicts?

    It's no shock to most people when I say that drugs are a big problem for many all around the world. With more ways for people to be able to get access to drugs whether they are safe or not, it is proving a huge problem. In some cases, those who are addicted to drugs do get the help they need...
  11. Shortie

    Will robots take over someday?

    We all know that already, some places are either working on or already using robots to do certain jobs. As much as at the moment robots are not something many would want to rely on due to how unreliable they can be at the moment. In time though we will start to see them become more reliable and...
  12. Shortie

    Is reality TV an issue for society?

    Reality TV is something that has grown more and more popular over the years and I would even go as far as to say that reality TV takes over much on the TV that we used to see before reality TV became as popular as it is. When it comes to reality TV though do you feel it is giving the wrong...
  13. Shortie

    Should parents be able to choose the sex of their child?

    So something I heard the other day from a friend was that she had read somewhere about how some people have said that a parent should be able to choose the sex of their child. I thought this was crazy and just taking things a little too far but to be honest, I guess it is something we should...
  14. Shortie

    Is there such a thing as a parent that is too strict or not strict enough?

    No matter what you do as a parent, there will always be people who will judge you even though they probably do not know anything about you. Some people get called too strict as a parent and others get called not strict enough and sometimes you can never win no matter what you do. When it comes...
  15. Shortie

    What are your thoughts on the sale of fur?

    It's not something that happens as often now I do not believe but you do still get some clothing companies that still make their clothes out of actual animal fur, this is something many people dislike and they always tend to avoid any companies that sell clothes made from actual animal fur...
  16. Shortie

    Should there be such a thing as free birth control for all?

    It's true that there is birth control available for purchase and also under prescription and in some cases, it is provided to people for free but from my understanding, it is now something that is always free for all. Sometimes this can lead to unwanted pregnancies due to this. Do you feel...
  17. Shortie

    What are your thoughts on the burning of country flags?

    We have all seen it during protests and riots where some of them burn the flag of their country or another country. This often leaves many angry, upset and disappointed with those who choose to commit this act. What are your thoughts on the burning of country flags?
  18. Shortie

    Do you believe studying another language should be compulsory?

    Studying another language was something every student did when I was in school. I got placed in German which was pointless for me as French would have been better. I had to study German from year 7 to 11 and complete it for my GCSE exam. Nowadays, schools do not make learning a language...
  19. Shortie

    Should schools have some kind of security?

    We all know how bad violence can be in schools with not only gun violence but also knife violence as well and even physical fights as well. This often either leads to huge issues for the school, severe injury to those who were involved, or even death. Due to things like this, would you say that...
  20. Shortie

    Would you home-school instead of sending your child to school?

    Most places around the world tend to have private schools and also public schools. Private schools are usually the ones that the parents pay for their children to attend and public schools are the ones that are government funded and do not cost the parent any money to send them. Even though...
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