TikTok sued by 5,000 parents

I'm very sad for the kid, but it's not the fault of the company. As Eminem said once, "Where are the parents?". Anyway, though, I am skeptical about Tik-Tok, though. It's a Chinese company that allows everything under the sun in the USA, but nothing in China. Is there some game being played here?
People die in road accidents, can they sue the car companies because the accident was caused by a car, or can they sue the government because they built the road where the car was speeding? It is very foolish act for people to use Tiktok, they should instead stop their kids form using the app
But is tiktok really at fault though? Yes I know in a way one might say they had a role to play by allowing such trends or challenges go on, or it shows they are promoting it. But at the same time the parents have a duty to monitor their kids. Most of these kids on tiktok aren't even mature enough to be there, yet the parents don't seem to mind about that.
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