NYC weight discrimination law

Apr 3, 2023
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New York City has passed a bill outlawing discrimination based on weight, joining a growing movement in the US to make size a protected trait on par with race and gender.

During public hearings, supporters cited difficulty navigating seating at restaurants and theatres, getting turned away by landlords, and butting up against weight limits on the city's bike sharing programme.

Councilman Abreu, who sponsored the bill, said he became more aware of the issue when he gained more than 40lb (18.1kg) during lockdown and saw a shift in how he was treated. He said the lack of protections had amplified the problems people face.
The measure is expected to be signed into law by New York's mayor later this month. The effort received widespread support, passing 44-5, despite scepticism in some quarters.
New York City council's minority leader, Joseph Borelli, who is a Republican, told the New York Times he was worried the law would empower New Yorkers "to sue anyone and everything".

"I'm overweight but I'm not a victim. No-one should feel bad for me except my struggling shirt buttons," he said.

How will this even be enforced???
I mean, if it can be, it would be great. I can bet that job rejections occur based on looks if subconsciously.
But you'll get manipulative and presumptive ppl suing for anything and everything!
I hope this becomes a law! Fatphobia does exist, and it's disgusting how fat people are treated by society. Some people are bigger and want to be that way, others have conditions that make it difficult for them to lose weight.
I hope this becomes a law! Fatphobia does exist, and it's disgusting how fat people are treated by society. Some people are bigger and want to be that way, others have conditions that make it difficult for them to lose weight.
It's true! Even when ppl don't announce it, i feel like to some extent everyone has prejudices and biases towards overweight ppl. Sometimes obesity may not even be the fault of one's lifestyle. it may be due to a genetic condition, who knows?

@Ravenfreak @fords8 any idea on enforcement?
@Ravenfreak @fords8 any idea on enforcement?
I have no ideas. Unless you are caught, I am not sure what could be done. You will get a lot of he said she said stuff.
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